Production Blog

Hi bloggers!
I'm back, and this time it's to talk about the software I used to actually edit and put together my project.
I used the apps TikTok and Capcut for this part.
They're both free apps so that was one of the main reasons I used them.
On top of them being free, they're apps I've used plenty of times.
Using them so many times, I was comfortable working with them.
I've been using Capcut for many years now. 
At first, it was just for silly collages and things similar to that.
For example, meaningless edits of photos or videos.
But then I had the task to use it in a 'professional' manner.
So because of this project, I've used Capcut with an actual goal.
And with Tiktok I have been using it since I was a young child.
So I know all the ins and outs of how to use it.
On this app, I know how to edit, clip, crop, cut out, zoom, and a lot of other things.
I used TikTok specifically to find the videos I liked the most.
And once I found them I would edit them to my liking.
On Capcut, I would put together the videos and photos. 
I would switch the order of the selected media until they were the "best" (in my eyes).
I also added the music on Capcut.
I used songs by 2 of my favorite artists. 
Capcut made it easy to add everything together quickly and in an organized way.


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