Film Review

Hi bloggers!
After much time and consideration, I became satisfied with my film.
I decided then it would be smart to get an outside opinion.
So I went and asked for some advice from my friend Camila.
Camila is a very diligent student.
I knew her information would come quick.
She is also a media studies student.
Being currently enrolled in the same course as me means she'll have valuable advice.

I asked her if she could help me out.
And as expected, she was very kind and agreed.
I tried sending the file to her through messages.
For some odd reason, it didn't work.
I kept on trying but something wasn't right.
I ended up sending it to her through email.
This tactic was finally successful.

Once she received my film she started watching it.
She watched it over a few times to get a detailed opinion.
She told me she really liked it.
She said she enjoyed the storyline.

The only thing she said she would change is how I started it off.
I took her advice into account and considered it.


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