Storyboard for my Music Video


 Scene 1- Overview of picnic used, outdoors while shot rotates with each beat of music.

 Scene 2- Close up on cake/cupcake on picnic blanket- center of picnic blanket

 Scene 3-Person 1 shown setting up their part of picnic, shy emotion, looking down.

 Scene 4-Person 2 filling up drinks and placing food.

 Scene 5- Person 3 on phone laying down, relaxed and not communicating.

 Scene 6- Person 4 not talking, avoiding eye contact, also shy looking. 

 Scene 7- Shot of 4 people, awkward at picnic, not sure what to say.

 Scene 8- Person 1 looks at person 2 , offers some of food they set up.

 Scene 9- Person 3 notices, then offers person 4 a drink.

 Scene 10- Shot of 4 people talking, laughing, food starting to disappear.

 Scene 11- Person 2 notices food stain on their shirt, and becomes sad.

 Scene 12- Person 3 notices person 2, and smears food on their shirt and person 4's shirt as well.

 Scene 13- Overshot of food fight between 4 people.

 Scene 14- Person 3 gets competitive, looks at cake/ cupcake in the middle of the picnic blanket.

 Scene 15- Person 3 picks up cake, smushes it into person 4.

 Scene 16- Person 4 close up with cake in face, laughing.

 Scene 17- Person 4 runs after person 3, while person 1 and 2 follow and chase with handfuls of cake.

 Scene 18- Last shot of 4 people, running after each other, throwing cake at each other.



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